The Russell Weinhold Scholarship was established in 1999 in honor of Russ and Dot Weinhold who were beloved and faithful tutors from ACTS inception in 1986. Russ was the kind of mentor who exemplified the servanthood of Christ in not only spending time with his student in the program but outside the program as well. Russ died in 1998 and Dot Weinhold passed away in 2008. Their daughters, Sharon and Beverly have been present for the awarding of the scholarship each year since 1999.
This year the Weinhold scholarship was awarded to Emily Gonzalez Amaro. Emily is a former ACTS student from the 3rd grade to the 8th grade at our Bethesda/Lutheran site. She also performed community service while in high school by serving as an ACTS tutor. Emily graduated from Springfield Central High School and will be attending UMass in Amherst in the fall. Way to go Emily! Congratulations!

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